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Holiday Club at Home

Holiday Club at Home

Because of the current and ongoing restrictions on social gathering associated with the Coronavirus pandemic, this resource is designed to be for use by families in the home, with the support of churches through resource provision and online engagement. It is flexible enough to serve churches who have previously provided successful holiday clubs but now are unable to gather in the same way as before, and churches who have never done them before but might have a connection with a small number of families in their community.

Day One – Jesus light of the world

Day Two – Jesus calms the storm

Jesus Calms the Storm – Dynamic Dan Video

Day Three – Jesus feeds over 5000 people

Feeding the 5000 – Dynamic Dan Video

Day four – Jesus heals

Jesus Heals the Blind Man – Dynamic Dan Video

Day Five – Jesus offers forgiveness

Further Resources

All the files are ready to download in a zipped file.

Note: Clicking on the link should start the download process instantly but if that doesn’t work, right-mouse click on the link and select ‘save link as’ you should then be asked what folder you want to save the file to.

When you have downloaded them to your computer right-mouse click on the file and choose ‘unzip’- WinZip will unzip them if it is installed on your device.

A good free program for handling zipped files in Windows is 7Zip – (More about zipped files here)

The zips contain a number of files and may be quite large in volume – especially the videos, which are not zipped and can be run from the source. The original zipped file can be deleted once the contents have been extracted.


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