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Big Bible Storybook – Toddler Resource – Summer Term 2

Big Bible Storybook
Toddler Resource – Overview

Click on red titles to open PDF files – view and download
(work is currently in progress uploading the full year’s programme)

Summer Term 2

(June to August)
Su 2 A – Jesus calms the storm

Bible reference: Matthew 8:23-27
Aim: to see that Jesus has power over nature

Su 2 B – Daniel

Bible reference: Daniel 6
Aim: to remember how God loves us to talk to him and protected Daniel for doing just that!

Su 2 C – Jesus and the ten lepers

Bible reference: Luke 17:11-19
Aim: to know that Jesus loves to make things better for us even when we forget to say ‘thank you’

Su 2 D – Jonah

Bible reference: Jonah
Aim: to see that God loves and cares about people and wants us to share that good news

Su 2 E – Jesus meets Zaccheus

Bible reference: Luke 19:1-10
Aim: to know that being friends with Jesus helps us to be better, kinder people

Su 2 F – Jesus’s heal someone who couldn’t walk

Bible reference: Luke 5:17-26
Aim: to see how trusting Jesus can make amazing things happen

Su 2 G – Dorcas

Bible reference: Acts 9:32-42
Aim: to discover how we can show that we are friends with Jesus by the things we do with the help of the Holy Spirit

Su 2 H – Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus

Bible reference: Acts 9:1-19
Aim: to be reminded that nothing should stop us telling others the good news that Jesus loves them no matter what

Su 2 I – Jesus’ story about the two builders

Bible reference: Matthew 7:24-27
Aim: to learn from Jesus that we should be putting all the things he tells us into practice

Table of Contents