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Big Bible Storybook – Toddler Resource – Spring Term 2

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(work is currently in progress uploading the full year’s programme)

Spring Term 2

(February to Easter)
Sp 2 A – Samuel Listens

Bible reference: 1 Samuel 3
Aim: to hear how God listened to Hannah’s prayer and how we can listen to God just like Samuel

Sp 2 B – David Chosen to be king

Bible reference: 1 Samuel 16:1-13
Aim: to understand that God chooses people who love him to do important jobs for him, even though they might not be big, strong, clever of powerful

Sp 2 C – God is like a good shepherd

Bible reference: Psalm 23
Aim: to know that God cares for us and looks after us just like a good shepherd looks after their sheep

Sp 2 D – David and Goliath

Bible reference: 1 Samuel 17:12-50
Aim: to see how God helps those that trust him

Sp 2 E – Jesus’s stories about mustard seed and yeast

Bible reference: Matthew 13:31-33
Aim: to learn from Jesus that God helps small things, like our trust in him, grow into bigger, amazing things

Sp 2 F – Lent – Jesus baptism

Bible reference: Matthew 3:13-17
Aim: to see how Jesus is God on earth and an example for us to follow

Sp 2 G – Lent – Jesus in the desert

Bible reference: Luke 4:1-13
Aim: to see how God helped Jesus to resist temptation and do things God’s way

Sp 2 H – Easter – Palm Sunday

Bible reference: Mark 11:1-11
Aim: to hear how the crowds recognized that Jesus was God’s special Saviour

Sp 2 I – Easter – Jesus shares a special meal with his friends

Bible reference: John 13:1-9, 34-35; Luke 22:7-23
Aim: to learn how Jesus wants us to show that we are part of his family by how we treat others

Sp 2 J – Easter – Jesus dies but comes back to life

Bible reference: Mark 15:21-37, 16:1-8
Aim: to know that Jesus died to save the world but has power over death and is alive today

Table of Contents