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Big Bible Storybook – Toddler Resource – Summer Term 1

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(work is currently in progress uploading the full year’s programme)

Summer Term 1

Easter to June
Su 1 A – Road to Emmaus
Bible reference: Luke 24:13-35
Aim: to remember that Jesus did not stay dead and is alive today
Su 1 B – Breakfast on the beach
Bible reference: Mark 14:27-31, 66-72, John 21:1-14
Aim: to see how Jesus shows God is the God of second chances as he forgives Peter for letting him down
Su 1 C – Ascension
Bible reference: Acts 1:1-11, Matthew 28:20
Aim: to know that Jesus is still with us even though we can’t see him
Su 1 D – Pentecost
Bible reference: Acts 2
Aim: to see that the powerful Holy Spirit keeps us connected to God
Su 1 E  – Peter and John heal a lame man
Bible reference: Acts 3:1-10
Aim: to discover that God’s Holy Spirit helps us to help others
Su 1 F – God provides for Elijah
Bible reference: 1 Kings 17
Aim: to hear how God looks after Elijah and helps him to help others
Su 1 G  – Jesus’ story about the good Samaritan
Bible reference: Luke 10:25-37
Aim: to learn from Jesus that we should help others no matter who they are
Su 1 H – A little girl’s courage enables God to heal an important man
Bible reference: 2 Kings 5
Aim: to see that God’s healing is for anyone and that we should share that good news
Su 1 I – Jesus heals a blind man
Bible reference: John 9:1-12,35-38
Aim: to see that Jesus brings light into people’s lives by bringing healing, joy and hope
Table of Contents