Category - Age Range

Generous Giving – First Fruits for All Ages

This four-week guide forms a part of a wider resource for the Diocese of York, exploring what First Fruits means for us today, with its joys and challenges. It has been adapted from the adult small group guide to include activities that are appropriate for children, young people and groups that include a variety of ages. Where activities are designed with a particular age group in mind, this is denoted with the following icons. There is a lot of material in each session and with extra activities you might find it better to do one session over two weeks.
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Gold. Frankincense and Myrrh

An opportunity for churches to share the hope of Christmas in a new way. Resources from the Diocese of York flexibly designed for engagement with children, young people and their families in a Covid-secure way, depending on context, and available financial and volunteer resources
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Holiday Club at Home

Because of the current and ongoing restrictions on social gathering associated with the Coronavirus pandemic, this resource is designed to be for use by families in the home, with the support of churches through resource provision and online engagement. It is flexible enough to serve churches who have previously provided successful holiday clubs but now are unable to gather in the same way as before, and churches who have never done them before but might have a connection with a small number of families in their community.
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