Loss and Bereavement

The process of accompanying a child or young person in their grief journey involves patience, courage and flexibility as they flit nimbly between moments of deep pain, times of fun and laughter, and philosophical depth and pragmatic realism as they explore their assumptions about life and its meaning and purpose.

Muddy Church

Resources to use outdoors with families written especially for us by Muddy Church

Teddy Bears’ Picnic

Ideas, notes and resources for churches wanting to hold an event for young families in their area.

Children of Light Festival

An overview of the Festival and outlines ideas for how churches and schools can get involved – the dates are now invalid due to changes caused by Covid pandemic restrictions but the leaflet still gives an overview of the aims and ideas behind the Festival

Holiday Club at Home

Because of the current and ongoing restrictions on social gathering associated with the Coronavirus pandemic, this resource is designed to be for use by families in the home, with the support of churches through resource provision and online engagement. It is flexible enough to serve churches who have previously provided successful holiday clubs but now are unable to gather in the same way as before, and churches who have never done them before but might have a connection with a small number of families in their community.


An all-age worship resource for Harvest